
ArcheryCalculator is written and maintained by Jack Atkinson, an archer, scientist, and software engineer.

I have been interested in the mathematics and science of archery for a long time with various work on the subject. As a volunteer I re-designed the handicap scheme used by ArcheryGB and wrote SAP9 released in 2023. I also (along with two other volunteers) redesigned the Archery GB classification scheme at the same time (authoring part of SAP7) and was part of the volunteer duo that developed the barebow Rose awards.

My philosophy is that this website should remain simple, advert-free, and free to use for the entire archery community. However, I have to pay hosting and server costs, and it takes a significant amount of time to develop. Therefore if you find this useful and can afford to please consider buying me a coffee or donating via paypal.

I am a firm believer in free open-source software and all of the source code for this website can be found on my github. The brains behind the website can be also be found on github and are available for anyone to use - indeed this code and its derivatives are used in Golden Records, Expert Archer, and MyTargets amongst others. If you would like to contribute to this project please get in touch or open a pull request.

Do let me know if you appreciate this work should you see me around at a competition or event. If you experience any issues please get in touch or raise them on github. Likewise for any feature requests or suggestions for improvements.